

God blesses His people with unique gifts and talents which all work together for His glory. There are many opportunities to get “engaged” in varying ministries at Springfield Community Church! If you are interested in learning more about getting engaged, let us know!

Get engaged

adult ministries

Adult Ministries

A Community Group (small group) is a way to connect with other adults in the church and grow your spiritual life beyond a Sunday morning. Currently, Community Groups are meeting during the week with men, women, and adult couples at varying times, days of the week, and locations. If you are interested in learning more about joining a Community Group, please select the box on the Connect Page and we will help you get engaged in a group that works with your schedule.

Children's Ministry

Discovery Land is our Children’s Ministry program, which is offered to all children from birth through 5th grade during our 9:00 service. Children up to age four are welcome in our Nursery during the full hour; they play, listen to Bible stories and Bible-based songs, and complete simple, age-appropriate crafts in a safe, loving environment.

Children ages 4 through 5th grade are dismissed from the service just prior to the sermon in order to join their classes for age-appropriate, Biblically-sound lessons from the Discovery Land curriculum. The heart of our lessons each week centers around studying God’s Word; review games and simple crafts or activities for the younger children are included as time allows.

middle school

Student - Junior High

Currently, our Student Junior High Ministry meets on Wednesday evenings starting at 6:00 pm. We have a great team of leaders that challenge the kids with content from last week’s message while engaging the students with thought provoking questions regarding living out their faith and making it their own.


4:12 Student - Senior High

Senior High Students have the opportunity to meet other are students and engage in Biblical teaching at their level on Wednesday evenings at our 4:12 Student Senior High Ministry. The group meets at 6:30 pm each Wednesday and all high school students are welcome to attend.


The Audio/Visual Ministry is committed to cultivating an atmosphere that is glorifying to God and supports all of the ministries and activities of Springfield Community Church. We seek to use our gifts and talents in helping to create an environment that is worshipful and unnoticeably seamless in presentation and production, to be an invisible part of each service that enhances each person’s ability to worship through sight and sound.


Building & Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds Ministry helps coordinate and upkeep the beautiful property God has blessed Springfield Community Church with. This role helps coordinate snowplowing, lawn care, landscaping, and general grounds responsibilities throughout the year.

care ministry


Care Ministry is all about caring for others in time of need and/or to lift them up for encouragement. We provide meals, transportation, hospital visits, and helping hands wherever they are needed. We send out birthday and anniversary cards each month to those in our church family. We are always looking for helping hands within our ministry!


Emergency Response

Our Emergency Response Team is trained to respond in the event that a medical or other such emergencies should take place at our church.



The Fellowship Ministry’s mission is to provide an area to generate camaraderie within our church family and visitors following each service. The Fellowship Area is a place for our “No Ordinary Family of God” to come together and introduce themselves, have a snack, or grab a cup of coffee or bottle of water. The ministry prepares refreshments each week, sets up and takes down the area, and greets those in the Fellowship Area with a smile.



The Marketing/Communications team ensures that those within our church know what is happening through email newsletters, social media, and text message announcements. They are also responsible for the bulletin, signage, and helping to promote all church events and ministry events. If you are interested in learning more about getting engaged, connect with us!

men ministries

Men's Ministry

Numerous Men’s Groups meet throughout the week at various times from the early morning before work, to after work in the evenings. If you are looking to grow spiritually alongside other men within the church we will get you connected!



Jesus tells His disciples they will receive power from the Holy Spirit, and they will be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We believe the same is true today. We are called to reach our city, our state, and our world.
Through Springfield Missions, you have the opportunity to support Field Workers as they share the good news with people in Africa, Haiti, India, Mexico, and Poland. And because we partner with churches and organizations, the work we do on the ground continues. Working together, we get to see the Great Commission happening before our eyes.
Hundreds of people have asked Jesus into their life but saying yes to missions won’t just change others — it’ll change you, too.
Seeing God work around the world will expand your understanding of who He is, how much He loves you, and the power of the Gospel.


New Believers

Are you a new believer and aren’t sure what next steps to take to grow your relationship with God? Our New Believers Ministry helps those who have recently accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior to continue to strengthen their faith and grow in their relationship with Christ.


Our Prayer Team prayers daily through the prayer requests that are sent through email or on our Connection Cards at church each week. If you have a specific prayer request, we would love to pray for you!



Our Elders at Springfield Community Church are part of our Shepherding Ministry and will keep watch, pay careful attention to, guard, protect, equip, build-up, shepherd, pray, and teach those within our church family.


One thing is for sure when you arrive at Springfield Community Church whether you visit every week or it is your first time, you will be greeted with smiles, hugs, and the most incredible, welcome you have ever experienced. Our greeters do an incredible job making sure of this!

women ministries

Women's Ministry

The women of Springfield Community Church connect regularly through community groups, discipleship groups, and regular events. Monthly socials and annual conferences like the IF:GATHERING are just a few of the ways the women of Springfield get together on a regular basis to strengthen their faith with other like-minded women of all ages.

Worshipping at Springfield Community Church Lomira


The Worship Ministry brings the presence of the Holy Spirit to our Sunday Service and Wednesday House of Prayer each week. The Worship Ministry helps create an atmosphere to open our hearts to the message that our Pastors have prepared for us each week. Join us every Wednesday for House of Prayer starting at 6:00 pm, come as you are!